Counseling-Infused Audiologic CEU Program

Counseling-Infused Audiologic CEU Program

The text, Counseling-Infused Audiologic Care, has been written for students studying audiology within academic programs and for practicing audiologists seeking further exposure to the counseling intricacies of the profession through a continuing education vehicle.  Use of this text for self-study is designed (1) to provide a vehicle for acquiring new or expanded knowledge in patient and parent counseling within audiologic practice, and (2) to advance the quality of patient care in audiology.  You are able to earn AAA Tier CEUs for self-study by registering for the online CEU program.

Counseling-Infused Audiologic Care is available in both a Paperback version and a Kindle version on Amazon.

The chapters and appendices are grouped into five modules totaling 7.5 hours or 0.75 CEUs. Each module may be purchased individually.  Modules are worth 0.1 to 0.2 CEUs.  A certificate documenting CEUs earned will be available for immediate download upon successfully achieving a score of 80% or better on each assessment.      

The Counseling-Infused Audiologic Care CEU Program can be used to meet ABA Tier 1 recertification requirements. 

Module 1:  Patient Counseling

                  Chapter 1: Audiologic Counseling Defined

                  Chapter 3: Approaches to Counseling

                  Chapter 4: Building Patient-Centric Relationships

                  Afterword: The Risk of Empathy Fatigue

Total 0.2 AAA/Tier 1CEUs 


Module 2:  Confronting Hearing Loss

                  Chapter 2: Emotional Response to Hearing Loss

                  Chapter 5: The Initial Audiologic Evaluation

                  Chapter 9: The Hearing Aid Consultation Process

                  Chapter 11: Patient Education

Total 0.2 AAA/Tier 1 CEUs


Module 3:  The Pediatric Caseload

                  Chapter 6: Counseling Considerations for the Pediatric Patient

                  Chapter 7: Counseling Considerations for the Teen-Aged Patient            

Total 0.1 AAA/Tier 1 CEUs


Module 4: The Adult Patient Caseload

                  Chapter 8: Counseling Considerations for the Adult Patient

                  Chapter 10: Counseling Considerations for the Elderly Patient

Total 0.1 AAA/Tier 1 CEUs


Module 5:  Communication Management

                  Chapter 12: Counseling toward Better Communication

                  Chapter 13: Group Counseling within Hearing Loss Intervention

                  Chapter 14: Multicultural Considerations in Clinical Practice

Total 0.15 AAA/Tier 1 CEUs

Counseling-Infused Audiologic Modules
